November 15, 2013

To Home, with love. (= - Story 11

Hello readers, forgive me for my absence (or rather the absence of my posts). I know I owe you 3-4 posts. I will be posting them in a short span of time. In fact, as early as possible. So to say, lets start with recents.

Basically through this whole month, I had made myself cosy playing Assassin's Creed III. Hehe. Currently in Sequence 8. Currently, I am in Bridewell trying to assassinate Hickey.

So, basically I stayed hours glued to this game, while my mother kept calling me for dinner. The game and functions are awesome - Full Sync, Animus Database, etc. But it's a bit taxing on your GPU. The timeline is a bit loose, though.

November (and winter) is setting in. I have a few injuries after Children's Day, so I gotta rest. But all-in-all, Children's Day was awesome. DJ mixing, breaking window panes, cricket, fighting with territorial enemies, we had all. But it was breaking a window pane, not panes though. It was almost melodramatic. Someone throws the ball, points at the batsman for a four and the batsman gives a sixer. Nice. It hits the pane almost like those slo-mo ads we have these days. Bang! And then the whole floor is eerily quiet, as if nothing existed. DJ mixing; my friends Shuchita, Pritam & Sanjana brought the songs. While Sagnik, Rounak and I mixed them (with MIXX). It was awesome. 

We started playing cricket when suddenly a bunch of idiots started playing Basketball in our area. We moved to the Bus Bay and played football there and it was fine unless one of the people in my team stumped his shoe on my toe. Oh, nice. That's when I almost fall comically.
That's all readers, Await a few more in this month.

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